Are the demands of your practice expanding and you feel as though your resources aren't meeting your growing clinical needs?

Do you feel your time as a prescriber could be more valuable in assessing the psychopharmaceutical needs of your clients, while the initial assessment, ongoing assessments and behavioral therapies can be addressed through an expanded team approach?

Are you a mental health prescriber, agency or private practice looking for assistance completing your initial psychiatric assessment, therapy to ameliorate your Mental Health Pharmacotherapy, or classes to target larger groups on healthy living and symptom management?

Wellness Lab & Clinics can help. 

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We offer the following services to agencies and prescribers throughout Oregon:


We complete a detailed bio-psycho-spiritual assessment as a diagnostic summary of the presenting problem(s), utilizing evidence-based instruments and tools.

Individual Assessments



We will provide integrated treatment planning about the diagnosis and relevant treatments for you to integrate into your medication management clinic.

Case Summary / Formulation



We provide ongoing labs, utilizing Evidence-Based instruments and outcome measures to provide data for tracking and trending client changes and deliver relevant psychoeducation for best practices.

Ongoing Brief Clinical Assessments



We offer a community education through engaging classes that target mental wellness needs in a didactic classroom experience. Topics aim to address specific pathologies or treatment needs, such as sleep hygiene, resiliency, and strengthening insight. Additional classes include relationship-building, stress reduction, chronic pain management, and living well.

Group Wellness Labs


  • Chronic Pain Management Clinic
    Ameliorative treatment for chronic pain conditions
  • Integrated Behavioral Health Clinic
    Treatment of benign mental health needs that can be managed safely and adequately in the primary care setting

  • The Diagnostic and Pathology Clinic
    Treatment of SMI and other mental health pathologies
  • The Relationship Clinic
    Treatment for Couples and Families

  • Stress Reduction Clinic
    Treatment of non-pathological stresses



We offer clinical guidance with treatment planning consultation, second opinion for differential diagnosis and/or complex psychiatric cases.