Wellness Lab & Clinics

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We have the tendency to focus on our flaws and what we think is “wrong” with us, and are driven to fix what we perceive is broken in our lives. The list of criticism can be very long. Sometimes our dislike can become out-and-out hatred, turned inwards. 

We can want to be something else. Someone else. 

Maybe you’ve forgotten that bodies and minds are amazing. Your body and mind are amazing too. You are alive, you are capable, you have curiosity and areas of knowledge that others may not. Your thoughts and character are no less valuable than the next person’s. 

Instead of defaulting to what you feel is “wrong” about you, think about what is right. Telling you that you are unique may feel like an overused, hackneyed phrase - but it’s also a true one. How you are human belongs only to you. If you struggle in realising your worth, it can help to talk to a real, trusted friend who will have no problem in pointing out your value. Take it all on board - they aren’t trying to flatter you,  they are attempting to uncover what your negative image might have hidden. 

Don’t be scared to stand up for what you believe in an attempt to be liked. This is something we often adopt in childhood, and struggle to have the courage to express as adults. In your heart of hearts, you know what you need and what you deserve. It’s hard, but be prepared to fight your own corner and say no, instead of trying to placate everyone else. Doing this will strip away your self-esteem and make you lose yourself. Boundaries are necessary and you deserve to have them. If you don’t do things to feed yourself, you will have nothing to give to others. 

Whatever it is that makes you feel renewed and content, do it. Find out what those things are, try them out and if they work, make time to enjoy them. Enjoy being you.