It's impossible to only ever be of positive vibes. We are hard-wired with an array of emotions, and they exist to guide and protect us. They give us cues and clues and direction when we're well in tune with them.

#WellnessWednesday #MentalHealth #MentalWellness #Emotions #EmotionalHealth #PositiveVibesOnly #TheRelationshipClinic #WLC

Image: Grey background with a quote by Molly Bahr: 'Positive vibes only' isn't a thing. Humans have a wide range of emotions and that's OK.

The Significant Value of Irritability and Resentment in Relationships

The Significant Value of Irritability and Resentment in Relationships

Noticing Irritability and Resentment creeping into your emotions lately? Instead of shaming and silencing these valuable emotions, use this reframe to help develop greater self-advocacy and better understanding within yourself and your relationships.

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