Changing your environment can dramatically alter your perception of life, so why does this happen?

When we are able to step away from the daily routine and realise that short departure, away from all distractions, gives you the ability to think clearly.

It is sometimes impossible to get a clear picture of situations when you are distracted, and it is difficult to quiet your inner thoughts so that you can really hear your intuition. Also, our modern life makes it difficult for us to think with clarity.
There are many roadblocks thrown in our way, and not all of them are necessarily 'bad' per se, but they can affect our ability to stay present and just in the moment:

The lure of devices - another email, call, SMS, update - each wanting our immediate attention.

Ultimately, we are stymied by our 'FOMO' (fear of missing out) and are unable to turn everything off and dedicate our full attention to what we are doing in the present.

Depending on the distraction, it can take up to 15 minutes for us to get back on track and focused after being interrupted or having to stop in the middle of a task.

It may feel as if we are 'missing out' if we aren't connected 24/7, but in reality, what we are actually losing out on is a deeper sense of peace and calm if we're constantly 'online', literally or physically.

In order to be creative, focus can be far more valuable than intelligence. Being a 'distraction addict' is the death knell for creativity.

There are many reasons why we fail to accomplish our goals, whether it's losing weight, succeeding at work or being an amazing partner, but it's safe to say that distraction is a main player.

Take a moment to consider the most successful person you know who lives an authentic life, sticking to their personal life values.Each of the great innovators, communicators and leaders have specific goals in mind. When obstacles stood in their way, they ignored distractions and remained focused on what they believed in, regardless of obstacles. We can all apply the same sense of focus and quiet determination to whatever we want.