Noticing Irritability and Resentment creeping into your emotions lately? 

Listen carefully to these valuable emotions as key messengers. 

These important emotions will help inform us particularly during times when we can better advocate for our needs, hopes, and desires and direct our key relationships toward deeper understanding and greater intimacy. 

When you experience irritability or resentment, consider asking yourself what you feel you need or is unmet right now. Is there a value of yours that feels threatened? 

Then, work this need into a request for yourself, toward your partner, or toward the person who can help meet this need. 

Self-advocacy is an essential skill in relationships. 

Exercise the ability to identify the feeling of irritability or resentment and let this inform your request. 

  • "I'm feeling some resentment when I see the dishes in the sink each morning. I'd like to talk with you now about some ideas of how to partner better in this?"

  • "I'm feeling very irritable lately. I think my value of respect feels really threatened these days. I think I should take social media off of my phone for a few days to see if that helps. Or maybe I can find ways to say 'I respectfully disagree' more often."

Playfully explore with these important messengers. See what you notice!