WELLNESS WEDNESDAY: Benefits Of Deep Breathing

Not everyone is able to sleep eight hours a night. Not everyone can take a sick day off of work, or go on vacation - But we all can practice focused breathing, and doing so can positively impact our health.

#WellnessWednesday #FocusedBreathing #BenefitsOfDeepBreathing #TheRelationshipClinic #WLC

Source: UrbanBalance.com

Image: Soft orange background with tips from UrbanBalance.com: Benefits Of Deep Breathing: *Decreases Stress, Increases Calm

*Relieves Pain

*Stimulates Lymphatic System

*Improves Immunity

*Increases Energy

*Lowers Blood Pressure

*Helps Support Correct Posture

*Improves Digestion


Focused breathing can regulate our nervous systems in just a couple of minutes. If you are able - do this exercise:

Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Hold your cell phone in one hand, and with your other hand, begin tracing the outline of your phone with your index finger. As you glide your finger over the top of your phone - Inhale. As you glide your finger down the side of your phone - Exhale. Inhale at the bottom, exhale on the side. And continue around your phone with purposeful and focused breathing until you feel a shift in your body.

The wonderful thing about this is that you can do it anywhere at any time.

#WellnessWednesday #BreathingExercises #FocusedBreathing #RegulateTheNervousSystem #LoveLanguage #DeepBreathing #TheRelationshipClinic #WLC

Image: Soft orange background with a quote by Dr. Lauren Fogel Mersy: Deep breathing is our nervous system's love language.